The Importance of Vetting Car Haulers



When it comes to the hiring process, one of the most important but often overlooked steps is vetting. Vetting is defined as the process of performing a background check and determining the usefulness of someone during the hiring process; it is essential as it allows hirers to eliminate those who are unfit for a specific job or role and allows them to focus on the more fit candidates. Vetting is done when hiring in pretty much all lines of work, and the auto transport industry is no exception.

It’s important for shippers to properly vet their auto transport workers, as it helps to guarantee that they find drivers who are suitable for the job. Here are several reasons why you should (and how you can) vet car haulers:

Eliminating Unsuitable Drivers

The biggest reason for vetting auto transport drivers is that the process eliminates unreliable drivers. Car haulers couldbe deemed unsuitable if they fail to meet all of the proper qualifications, such as having a valid commercial driver’s license, a clean driving record, passing the proper screening tests, and much more.

Additionally, drivers must have their registration up to date, own or have access to all of the necessary equipment, and should have a solid amount of relevant work experience. Overall, there are a lot of requirements that drivers must possess to haul cars, and any drivers that lack them should not be considered. And while the majority of carriers maintain their necessary documents and paperwork, not all do, so vetting is important in order to avoid facing penalties or other legal consequences while building your carrier network.

More Reliable and Efficient Transportation

Vetting your drivers before hiring is not only important from a legal standpoint, but also in terms of safety, reliability, and efficiency. Hiring a car hauler that is experienced and practices proper safety procedures will typically result in more reliable transportation of your shipments, and better ensure that work will be completed quickly, efficiently, and safely.

Car haulers that have been vetted are well aware of the proper procedures associated with auto transport, so they are therefore more reliable. They know how to operate their vehicles safely and effectively, have up-to-date paperwork, and are veterans in the industry. The quality of your own business is also directly reflected by your delivery drivers, so having a quality car hauler is vital for your own business’ success.

All Car Haulers Are Vetted on Super Loadboard

Luckily for hirers, the vetting process is now easier than ever before. Many load boards like Super Dispatch’s Super Loadboard require all of their drivers to be thoroughly vetted before being able to accept any loads.. This means that every single auto transport driver on the Super Loadboard has already been vetted, so you don’t have to worry about doing that yourself. Simply search for Carriers and easily access and view all of their necessary documents all in one place.

Additionally, Super Loadboard features a rating system where users can rate their drivers based on how they perform. As a result, your business will have access to a large pool of vetted, highly rated drivers right from the start. Thanks to its convenient and easily accessible platform, the Super Loadboard makes the hiring process easier than ever. If this sounds like something that your business could benefit from, then consider trying Super Dispatch. Request a free demo today!

Published on May 31, 2022

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