Super Dispatch in the Wild: How Car Haulers Move More Cars Faster



Technology is not always black and white. With support, the more you interact and ask questions about it, the more you’ll get out of it. With the Super Dispatch car hauler app, there is nothing more exciting than seeing how carriers leverage technology to make their lives easier, grow their businesses, and move more cars faster. 

Growing Your Business

Jason Kendall of Kendall Enterprises and Hotshot Haulers signed up to learn more about our Carrier TMS and shared his feelings about the service, stating “after I got Super Dispatch, I never looked back.” While he began on the popular car hauler app, he realized that with the features of the Carrier TMS, he was able to effectively run his business from the Super Dispatch platform while strategizing further growth. 

Before discovering the app, Jason lost hours of his day manually entering information, but now he is able to save critical time while also properly scaling his business for growth thanks to the ability to sync information from Carrier TMS to Quickbooks. “With Super Dispatch connected to Quickbooks, what used to take me hours to do now takes me one at the most.”

As Jason starts to build and grow his business, he’s excited to take full advantage of Super Dispatch’s advanced load board and GPS tracking feature. “It gets stressful out on the road when someone continues to bug you. GPS tracking helps me when I’m building loads or need to know how close they are to pick up or delivery without bugging them.”

Easier Life with the App

Hotshot Dave walks through exactly how he uses the car hauler app to manage internal and external inspections, complete BOLs, and finalize with invoicing. As he says, “everything you need is here. Right here.”

In order to be a successful car hauler, you need technology that is reliable, and better allow you to complete each load diligently. With extensive documentation, proof of damages, and easy edits to payment info, Dave says his back is always covered. 

In his end-to-end app experience video, Dave walks you through the professional look of the BOLs, how to perfect your interior inspections, and the ins and outs of what to do when the customer won’t sign on delivery. From personal tips to his favorite app features, Dave has your back on how you can use his favorite car hauler app. “I’ve used other apps before, and Super Dispatch is our favorite. We as a company love Super Dispatch.”

Accurate Inspections On The Go

Over on Pro Haul TV, Je’Ron Hamm of Pro Haul Logistics is able to perfect his inspections in the matter of minutes. Je’Ron shows the ease of use on how to use the Super Dispatch car hauler app for inspections and to accurately mark damages.

Je’Ron walks his audience through how he is able to mark damages quickly and efficiently through the app, which helps to cover himself from being held liable for any faulty claims. “I like that it’s timestamped. Always email the documents to yourself and who you are loading for so you have proof and they can see the timestamp.”

Do you have your personal favorite Super Dispatch app features? Send us a video and we’ll share it, too!

Want to learn more on how you leverage the Carrier TMS like Jason? Sign up for a free trial to learn more.

Published on April 23, 2020

Move Cars Faster on the Super Dispatch Platform

The new way to transport cars

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